Thursday, December 07, 2006

Kiehl's Can Do It!

NYC weather is about to turn to the Dark Side. My lips can feel it! They actually “cracked” yesterday. Despite my efforts at applying lip gloss very often, they’re still suffering. Maybe I’m over glossing?

I realized I had to turn to the experts in lip therapy, so I went straight to the Kiehl’s website. My friend at work swears by Kiehl’s Baby Lip Balm. It’s pediatrician tested with very gentle ingredients to reduce any allergic effects.

I also saw that the Kiehl’s pots of Light Lip Gloss are back. I went to the Kiehl’s counter a few months ago with an empty pot of Golden Melon, which the sales girl claimed they didn’t make any more. I think I was duped! Well thankfully, they’re back now in 4 especially shiny colors. We can all sleep at night now…and with perfectly crack-free lips!

Kiehl's Baby Lip Balm $7.50

Kiehl's Light Lip Gloss $11.50

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