Tuesday, February 13, 2007

The Science of Skin

Smashbox O-GLOW
There has been a beauty trend lately that is just a little too scientific for my liking. It’s make-up that produces a color that is unique to you by matching your skin tone or reacting to your skin chemistry. Everyone remembers that weird lipstick first marketed in the 70’s or 80’s (either way it was gross!) that changed colors depending on your lips. The colors were hideous and many women were unintentionally walking around with orange lips.

I think we might have another “orange lips” situation on our hands here. Smashbox has just come out with a blush that ‘reacts with your personal skin chemistry to turn cheeks the exact color you blush.’ Who wants to look like they’re embarrassed all the time? That being said, I am a little curious to see what this embarrassed O-Glow blush looks like on me. I’m pretty sure Smashbox is counting on the curiosity factor to sell this product. Stay tuned for the final verdict, for now I’m highly skeptical.
O-GLOW, Smashbox, $26

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