Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Cosmetics Restriction Diet: the Anti-Beauty Addict

Last week the NY Times had an article about dermatologists putting their patients on a ‘cosmetics restriction diet.’ The new method of treating problem skin is to leave it alone: clearly this is a revolution. I’m not kidding; in the article Dr. Cook-Bolden confiscated all but three of her patients’ vast collection of face products. She suggests using a basic face wash such as Cetaphil (OK, I agree with using Cetaphil), sunscreen and maybe some zit cream: that’s it. Just three products! What about all of my refining masks, toners, collagen creams, eye serums and pore minimizers??? I have heard rumors that if you strip the natural oil from your skin, your oil ducts go into overdrive and pop goes the blemishes, but there is no way I’m getting rid of my St. Ives Apricot Scrub!

I think if people actually believed they only need two face products, the beauty industry would go under. Check out this intriguing article.

Cosmetics Restriction Diet New York Times, January 4th 2007

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